Adding a Journal Entry

User-Defined Help

To add a journal entry:

  1. Access the application.

  2. Select Accounting from the top menu bar.  Select General Ledger Transactions from the dropdown menu.

    The General Ledger screen will appear and will default to the Receive Deposits tab.

  3. Select the Make Journal Entries tab.

    The Make Journal Entries screen will appear.

    Make Journal Entries

  4. Optional: Select the Date box and change the date.

  5. Select the Transaction Number box and enter the number for the transaction that you are about to record.

  6. Click Add.

    Note:  Two new lines will appear in the Make Journal Entries browse list the first time the Add button is selected.  After that, selecting the Add button will only add one additional line.

  7. Select the Account box and choose an account from the dropdown list.

Note:  Bank accounts will only appear in the Account dropdown if the user has been granted permissions to see the bank account within Security Administration under the General Ledger - Make Journal Entries - Bank Accounts section.

  1. If recording a debit, select the Debit Amount box and enter the amount.

    — or —

    If recording a credit, select the Credit Amount box and enter the amount.

  2. Select the Memo box and enter a memo.

  3. Select the From/To box and enter who or where the credit is from/to.

  4. Repeat steps 6 - 10 for each transaction.

  5. If the first entry is a debit, then the credit entry that corresponds to that entry will default to the existing debit amount for the transaction.  If the credit entry is input first and a corresponding debit entry is being made, then the entry will default to the existing credit amount for the transaction.

    The defaulted Debit and Credit boxes are editable, but each successive entry will default to the amount remaining to make the total difference between debits and credits $0.00.

  1. Click Save to commit the information, or click Cancel to abort the addition.

    Journal entries cannot be saved until the
    Difference box reads $0.00.