Inmate Movement - Scheduled Movement

  1. The Scheduled movement tab will allow the facility to track inmates that will be moved to their specific visitation section from their previous location.  The Scheduled movement tab will allow the user to see which inmates need to be moved to visitation.

  2. The Scheduled tab lists all inmates from the Current Area and Current Location (i.e. the current area will be the general area with the current location will be the specific area).  The inmates will list that will be moved to the visitation area.  The Scheduled tab will also indicate if any inmates should be moved to visitation by a number (3) beside the word Scheduled.  This notifies the Housing Officer that inmates are scheduled to move to visitation.

  3. The Movement Type (Escorted defaults as selected) is a list of radio buttons: Escorted, Non-Escorted, and Mass.  The Escorting Officer will link to the employment table.

  4. The list of inmates will display here. (Based on your Facility's policy, if Escorted is selected, then all inmates can be escorted to the visitation center.)  Inmates are selected by default, but may be manually deselected if needed.

  5. The Send Inmates button will move the inmates to the Accept Inmates tab.  Once the inmates are escorted to the proper destination, the user will then select the Save button on the Visitation Log which will automatically accept the inmate and remove them from the Accept Inmates list.

  6. The Delete button will remove an inmate from the Scheduled list.

  7. To return an inmate to housing from a visitation area, the Housing Officer will select all the inmates that will be escorted to their appropriate cells.

  8. The Destination Location is a hard coded dropdown allowing the user to select the destination for a specific inmate or group of inmates.

  9. The Reason for Move dropdown is an editable code table that will allow the user to select from a list of reason (this can be decided by your facility).

  10. The user will then select the Send Inmate button to move these inmates, this will place the inmates selected into the Inmates in Transit tab until they arrived and accepted.

  11. A system parameter is in place to auto end Non-Official visits.  This parameter can be changed by OMS Administrators.  The officers also have the ability to select the End Visit checkbox at anytime, which auto-fills the Visit End Date/Time with current information on the Visitor Information section.  The visitor will then be removed from the Current Visitors section on the Visitation Log after selecting the Save button.  The user will then have to manually move the inmate from the visitation area to a different location by using the movement.

  12. The Auto End a Visit (Minutes) system parameter allows the OMS Administrator to enter a value (in minutes).  
