Housing Dashboard - Housing Move Main


  1. Select the inmate move hyperlink in the Inmate Information Panel.  This causes the panels to refresh and switch to the Inmate Move Panel, Housing Move Panel, and Selected Housing Panel.  The user will be able to select a section and block to perform a cell move.

  2. This functionality occur upon selection of assigning any form of inmate housing. The Select a Section and Select a Block dropdowns will allow the choice of section and block where the inmate will be moved. The Enable Special Management and Classification filters must be set up prior to housing assignments through the Classification Matrix.

  1. The Inmate Move Panel will hold the inmate’s information.  Further details are discussed in the Inmate Move Panel help page.

  2. The Housing Move Panel displays the graphic block layout.

  3. The Selected Housing Panel populates with inmates housed in the cell selected from the Housing Move Panel.

  4. The block layout will allow the user to select on a cell graphic that matches with the inmate’s classification (default blue).  Selecting the cell will active the cell to perform a housing move for the inmate.

  5. The Section and Block that has been selected for will show here.

  6. The Cell Information popup will appear once the user has selected the cell.

  7. The inmates housed in this cell will be listed along with:

  1. Select close [x] to close the Cell Information for that cell and select a new one if needed.

  2. If a cell has open beds has a conflict due to any of the Special Management filters, Classification filters and/or PREA filters, the Bed is displayed in a standard inactive format.  Eligible beds display in the open format. With proper permissions, you may select a bed with a conflict, and apply required overrides.
